SUOMAF REVEN 09/27/2021
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Stars For Sampling by SUOMAF REVEN 123 BPM A minor

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This 123 bpm RnB loop was shared by the member SUOMAF REVEN. We encourage you to leave a review and show your appreciation for any loop you download, and if you do something great with it please let the uploader know! To learn how to make music with loops check out our articles, or stop by the forum and collaborate with other music makers.
BPM: 123 Format: mp3 Key: A#m Genre: RnB DAW: FL Studio

This is a vocal sample and a minor and 123 beats per minute by SUOMAF REVEN. Though I had to mark one DAW I did Mark fruity loop studio but it was mobile version, and that was used for the priority side of the work. I recorded this vocal using the Voloco app and also processed it with the app called music speed changer and some BandLab. All mobile.