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Designed and manufactured solely in the United Kingdom, the Prism Sound Callia is a USB computerized to the simple converter (DAC) and advanced sound preamplifier custom-made for paying attention to music.

Callie is just the most effective way to encounter progressive music. Callia will convey your theme precisely as the recording maker planned with excellent simple power enhancement and amplifiers. Whether it is early music, musical, choral, simple tuning in, ambient music, jazz, pop, hip-jump, EDM, carport, hard rock, or something different, the clarity and lack of bias of Callia will stun you with its adaptability to such versatile types.

Using the acclaimed Prism Sound sign way, clock hardware, ARM Cortex processor, and USB foundation of the Prism Sound proficient reach, Callia upholds USB and S/P-DIF players. The Callia earphone yield is fresh out of the plastic new plan, unlike the expert sound reach. The Callia earphone yield is a high-current, low impedance configuration improved for the ideal exhibition. Callia handles the broad scope of earphone responsive qualities and impedances by giving a few working reaches, chosen by switch presets on the backboard of the unit. Along these lines, Callia can undoubtedly deal with earphones from a couple of ohms to more than 250 ohms and will convey a smooth, even, and precise sound.

Simple Connectivity to your computer, Tablet, or Transport

In Callia, Prism has made a unit viable with the vastest scope of PC equipment utilizing a USB2 interface supporting UAC2 sound. Callia likewise upholds S/P-DIF advanced sound data sources.

Sound Formats

Callia upholds straight PCM in 2's supplement double coding and, utilizing the "DSD over PCM" (DOP) convention, DSD at the first piece rate (DSD64) and 2 x the first-rate (DSD128). DSD Files encoded as "DOP" might be played with ASIO and WDM drivers.

Balanced and Unbalanced Outputs

Callia offers adjusted and uneven result designs at +14 dBu and 2Vrms separately. The fair result is introduced on proficient XLR male pin connectors, and the uneven (customer) yield is on industry-standard "Phono" co-hub connectors.

Top-notch Jitter Rejection

Callia utilizes something very similar, "CleverClox" crossbreed advanced stage locked circle (DPLL) hardware as Prism Sound proficient items. Crystal Sound advanced sound items re-produce super stable tickers for best quality transformation.


Callia gives two channels of studio-quality D/A change with the accompanying premium highlights:

Analogue and conversion:

· Adjusted (XLR, +14dBu) and unequal (RCA, 2.00Vrms) yield intensifies.

· Wide unique reach (>115dB RMS unweighted at - 60dBFS) · Low twisting (<-107dB RMS unweighted at FS) · Low greatest a harmonic spurious (<-158dB RMS unweighted at FS) · Fully-adjusted signal way limits mutilation relics and obstruction.

· Low impedance, low mutilation earphone speaker, advanced for earphone impedance

· Crystal Sound CleverClox half-breed PLL for eventually low testing jitter · Analog circuits galvanically segregated from PSU and advanced circuits to wipe out impedance.

· High-accuracy computerized interjection channel · Multi-bit delta-sigma modulator · Precise outright/between channel gain coordinating, +/ - 0.05dB, incorporates line volume control following.

How to use Callia

Firstly, Introduce the product onto your Windows PC or Mac:

A USB drive is sent with your Callia, which contains programming introduced on your Windows PC or Mac. Note that no product establishment is expected to use Linux-based PC, player, decoration, and server gadgets.

Assuming you plan to play sound from a Windows PC utilizing USB, you MUST introduce this product since it contains a UAC2 driver to permit Windows to send sound to Callia. On the off chance that you don't plan to play from a PC yet need to play sound from a Mac through USB, or using one of Callia's S/PDIF inputs, you don't have to introduce any product, and you can jump to the following segment nonetheless: we suggest that you submit the effect on your Windows PC or Mac since this will permit you to introduce future firmware refreshes. However, you can raise the product later, assuming you like it.

· Try not to associate the Callia unit to the PC using USB until AFTER programming establishment is finished.

· To introduce the product on a Windows PC, permit the USB drive to auto-run, or, more than likely double tap on setup.exe in the foundation of the drive.

· To introduce the product on a Mac, double-tap on the .pkg record in the foundation of the USB drive.

· Regardless, a progression of exchange boxes will direct you through the interaction.

Next, connect up your Callia:

· Interface a sound source: either a S/PDIF source using Callia's optical (TOSLINK) or RCA S/PDIFinput or, more than likely, a Windows PC or Mac have PC (USB link gave). On the off chance that you're utilizing a Windows PC, ensure you introduced the product in the past segment.

· Interface Callia's simple results to a checking intensifier or dynamic speakers, utilizing the XLR or RCA simple result connectors. Ensure that the volume of the enhancer or speakers is turned down until we're sure all is well. Then again, you could connect a few earphones - ensure the earphone volume control is eased off, to begin with

· Associate Callia to the mains utilizing the power lead gave. Some front board LEDs should illuminate. Assuming you've associated a PC, Callia should appear as a WDM gadget and some ASIO ports on a PC or a Core Audio gadget on a Mac.

Now you ought to have the option to play some sound:

· Press the reserve/source button at the right-hand finish of Callia's front board until the ideal source is chosen, with the 'AUTO' LED off.

· Begin playback on the S/PDIF source or run a player application on PC or Mac.

· By propelling the line volume control (having increased the volume control on the intensifier or dynamic speakers, assuming you turned it down before), you ought to have sound. On the off chance that you're utilizing earphones, you might need to turn up the earphone volume control.

System requirements

For S/PDIF activity, Callia will work with any optical (TOSLINK) or RCA/phono PCM source at test rates up to 192kHz. For USB activity, Callia will work with any cutting-edge PC or Mac with an appropriate working framework and a USB 2.0 or 3.0 port, and with Linux-based PC, player, decoration, and server gadgets. Macintoshes should be Intel stage and running OS X 10.5 Leopard or later; PCs should run. Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10, or later (32-digit or 64-cycle); Linux gadgets should join the ALSA UAC2 driver. It is not essentially the case that the registering force of the host is immaterial, yet it is more a prerequisite of the sound applications than of Callia.

Callia hardware

Front panel

Callia's front board contains various controls and markers; from left to right: · Source determination pointers to show which computerized sound source is presently chosen and whether source choice is in programmed or manual mode.

Design markers to show the current sound organization of the chosen source; · Line volume control, which changes the volume of the simple line yields; · Headphone jack, with its volume control; · Standby/source button which is utilized for manual source choice and to switch the unit all through backup mode.

Ear panel

Callia's backboard contains the info and result associations in general, except the earphone jack on the front board. From left to right (saw from the back):

· 6A IEC channel (provincial power string provided): adjoining is the mains combine holder.

· USB 2.0 gadget port associated with a host PC (link provided).

· Plunge switches: to alter a few parts of Callia's activity.

· RCA S/PDIF input: can acknowledge PCM streams up to 192kHz example rate with up to 24 digit word length, or DSD64 streams in DoP design.

· Optical (TOSLINK) S/PDIF input: can acknowledge PCM streams up to 192kHz example rate with up to 24 cycle wordlength, or DSD64 streams in DoP design.

· XLR simple line yields: adjusted for 0dBFS = +14dBu (3.88Vrms).

· RCA simple line yields: adjusted for 0dBFS = 2.0Vrms (+8.24dBu).


CALLIA embodies Prism Sound's uncompromising approach to audio resulting in the most accurate and detailed DAC available.

CALLIA upholds linear PCM in 2's complement binary coding and, using the "DSD over PCM" (DOP) protocol, DSD at the real bit-rate (DSD64) and also at 2 x the actual rate (DSD128). DSD Files encoded as "DOP" could be played with ASIO and WDM drivers.

Your PC, Tablet, or Transport will commonly decode formats such as mp3 to PCM before transmission to the sound card, so the formats will usually be supported on your device in the same mode as they would be with another sound card. ASIO native DSD format is not currently supported. Callia uncovers the most subtle nuance of any piece and is flexible in the face of a range of genres. So Hear your music the way it was intended.


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