Учебники по созданию музыки, руководства, статьи

Создавайте группу онлайн, продвигайте свою музыку, покупайте собственные биты, звуковые партии и делитесь с нами своим битом или треком в качестве лупа без лицензионных отчислений. Сотрудничайте, чтобы создавать биты онлайн с лучшими производителями лупов со всего мира на Форуме для музыкантов и создателей битов. Будьте в курсе музыкальных новостей и изучайте видеоуроки FL Studio и статьи в блоге . Бесплатные загрузки музыкального программного обеспечения DAW, пакеты VST и инструментов для FL Studio, Pro Tools, Logic, Ableton, а также способы использования самого популярного бесплатного программного обеспечения DAW, плагинов Fruity Loop, MIDI и многого другого.

Узнайте, как создавать музыку с помощью учебника по созданию музыки Loopazon, руководств для начинающих и пошаговых статей с образцами битов. Как использовать инструменты FL Studio с контроллером Midi, руководства по загрузке плагинов VST для Ableton, Logic и DAW.

Как превратить простую музыкальную петлю в песню?

Создать полноценную песню из простого музыкального цикла проще, чем вы думаете! С помощью цифровых аудио рабочих станций (DAW), таких как Ableton Live, создание музыки стало более доступным для начинающих музыкантов и продюсеров. Вот краткий обзор шагов, которые необходимо предпринять, чтобы превратить луп в полноценную песню: 1. Соберите свои материалы Прежде чем приступить к работе, важно собрать все материалы и ресурсы, необходимые для вашего проекта, включая семплы, биты и инструменты. Вы можете найти бесплатные образцы в Интернете, выполнив поиск на таких веб-сайтах, как Loopazon.com, или даже изучив популярные потоковые сервисы, такие как Spotify или Apple Music.

Подробное руководство по созданию музыки с помощью FL STUDIO

Раскрытие возможностей создания битов в FL Studio: подробное руководство для создателей музыки Если вы создатель музыки, то наверняка слышали о FL Studio. Это лучшее программное обеспечение для создания битов на рынке, которое используется бесчисленным количеством профессиональных продюсеров и инженеров. FL Studio — невероятно мощная программа, от создания битов до микширования треков, но она также может сбивать с толку тех, кто только начинает с ней работать. Чтобы помочь разобраться в этой сложности, мы составили подробное руководство для создателей музыки, чтобы раскрыть все возможности FL Studio. В этом руководстве вы узнаете не только о том, как создавать биты с помощью программного обеспечения, но и о том, как изменить настройки, и о методах создания собственного уникального звукового ландшафта с нуля. Так что не бойтесь — дайте волю своим творческим сокам, пока мы изучаем все способы использования FL Studio!

Музыкальные лупы — как создавать биты с помощью сэмплов и лупов

Что такое музыкальный цикл? Музыкальный цикл — это творческая техника, используемая музыкантами для создания уникальных композиций или создания целых песен с нуля в режиме реального времени. Он включает в себя запись, повторение и наложение звуков или музыкальных фраз до тех пор, пока не будет достигнут желаемый звуковой ландшафт. С такой гибкостью и мощностью в вашем распоряжении, неудивительно, что зацикливание стало неотъемлемой частью современного музыкального производства и исполнения. Если вы хотите добавить глубины и сложности своим записям или создать уникальные музыкальные впечатления на сцене, понимание того, как использовать устройства лупера и программные плагины, поможет вам полностью раскрыть свой творческий потенциал как музыканта.

Как сделать новогоднюю музыку с помощью петель

Создание собственной новогодней музыки — отличный способ начать новый год с чувством обновления и надежды. С Loopazon.com вы можете легко создавать красивые композиции, которые привнесут идеальную атмосферу и энергию на празднование Нового года. Воспользовавшись их обширной библиотекой музыкальных лупов и звуков, вы можете создать что-то уникальное, что выразит вас или отразит дух наступающего года. В этой статье мы рассмотрим несколько советов по созданию собственной оригинальной композиции, а также несколько идей для песен, которые помогут вам начать работу! Приступая к работе с Loopazon.com, первое, что нужно сделать, — это ознакомиться с платформой. С таким количеством доступных музыкальных лупов и звуков поначалу это может быть ошеломляющим, но с помощью нескольких простых советов вы быстро освоитесь. Существует множество классических новогодних музыкальных композиций, которые могут вас вдохновить!

История рождественских гимнов (русские, французские, американские, немецкие)

В первом христианском тысячелетии Пасха имела большее значение, чем Рождество. Раньше было немного музыки, которая отождествляла бы Рождество и Пасху. Элементом, изменившим это, было язычество. Мы увидели колоссальные изменения в жанрах рождественской музыки, особенно Кэрол (песня, которая празднует рождение Иисуса Христа), которая была не только для Рождества, во втором христианском тысячелетии. Начальная фаза гимна кажется очень сложной, однако на его фоне есть англо-саксонские круговые движения с повторяющимися припевами, посвященными зимнему сезону. Однако со временем рождественские гимны стали важной частью Рождества.

Музыка для снятия стресса и польза музыки для здоровья

Всем известно, что музыка может улучшить ваше настроение. Но знаете ли вы, что это также может иметь невероятную пользу для вашего здоровья? Исследования показали, что музыка имеет широкий спектр преимуществ: от снижения стресса и беспокойства до улучшения кровотока и даже послеоперационных результатов. В этом посте мы рассмотрим некоторые научные факты, объясняющие, почему музыка так полезна для нашего здоровья. Создание музыки на loopazon улучшает здоровье, просто попробуйте бесплатный онлайн-редактор аудио для вашего браузера, чтобы использовать тысячи бесплатных лупов.

История и происхождение популярных песен

Холодная погода сигнализирует о наступлении зимнего сезона, а это значит, что пришло время снова побаловать наше стремление к Рождеству. Лучший способ — полностью погрузиться в рождественскую музыку Фрэнка Синатры, Мэрайи Кэри и других. Но прежде чем погрузиться в рождественскую музыку, давайте поговорим об истории американской рождественской музыки и узнаем о ней факты. Одна из самых популярных рождественских песен — «Тихая ночь», написанная в 1818 году австрийским священником Йозефом Мором и впервые исполненная в канун Рождества в церкви Австрии. Однако только в 1863 году, когда Джон Фримен Янг перевел «Тихую ночь» на английский язык, она стала мировой сенсацией.

Why Musicians Should Prioritize Marketing and Promotion

As a musician, you know how important it is to have high-quality instruments, equipment, and software. After all, these are the tools of your trade! But what about marketing and promotion? Too often, musicians skimp on these crucial areas, opting instead to DIY their way to success. The truth is, though, that marketing and promotion are just as important as any other aspect of your musical career. Here's why you should prioritize marketing and promotion for your music. Reach a Wider Audience with Marketing and Promotion If you want people to listen to your music, you need to let them know that it exists! Marketing and promotion are essential for getting your music in front of potential fans. Without a solid marketing and promotional strategy, you'll be missing out on opportunities to connect with new listeners. Build Excitement for Your Music with Marketing and Promotion In addition to reaching a wider audience, marketing and promotion can also help you build excitement for your upcoming releases. By sharing sneak peeks, teasers, and other content related to your music, you can generate buzz and get people excited about what's to come. Marketing and promotion give you a chance to engage directly with your fans and create a community of supporters who are eagerly awaiting your next release.  Conclusion:   Invest in Your Music Career with Marketing and Promotion Services  Marketing and promotion are essential investments for any musician who wants to find success in the industry. At Metric Marketing, we offer affordable marketing and promotion services that can help you reach a wider audience, build excitement for your music, and take your career to the next level. Contact us today to learn more about our services or schedule a consultation with one of our team members.

Is Music Good For You?

You inquired,"Is Music Good For Your Health?" TLDR: We at loopazon have always thought such, and new research is showing that it indeed very much does. Turn on some music, If you want to shift your mood in a snap.  Music has been shown to increase mood and help depression in explorative creativity. It can also assist with blood circulation in the same manner as prescribed medication does, as well as lower stress related composites like cortisol and relieve pain. Prior to surgery, some good old tunes can indeed ease post operative issues.  What makes music so freakin' awesome you may ask. Music appears to start a neuro chain reaction in parts of the brain regions involved with good mood, emotion, attention, and memory, according to Kim Innes, a professor of medication and prestigious university lecturer. Innes coauthored research paper that looks at if music can lower stress situations while increasing pleasure and well being in aged people with memory loss. Her exploration compared the goods of music to those of contemplation, a prominent internal health approach used for thousands of years. She observed that both habits were linked to significant advancements in mood and sleep quality. She says "Both contemplation and listening to music have the potential to be the future of boosting overall health and well being." Silence can be more effective than music,” says Joanne Loewy, associate professor and director of the Louis Armstrong Center for Music and Medicine at Mount Sinai Beth Israel. "Some of our data suggest that listening to music might spark a stressful response." (Listen to the intimidating soundtracks from flicks like Phycho or The Window if you need examples of how music can spark the fires of terror rather than extinguish them.  In addition to causing pressure, the wrong music, according to Loewy, may enhance reflection or other negative thoughts. Music may both increase and help undesirable passions like fury, excitement, hope, and despair, according to a 2015 Finnish study. Why? The beat and other aspects of the songs we chose may affect our palpitation rates and the exertion of our brain's neural networks, according to Daniel Levitin, a professor of psychology at McGill University in Canada who studies the cognitive neuroscience of music.  According to Levitin, slow-paced music with progressive passion progressions and drawn-out notes is calming, but chaotic and up-tempo music has the contrary effect. All of this, however, is not proven. According to Levitin, he has encountered people who state that AC/ DC is their go-to music for unwinding."These were people who generally heeded to Swedish speed essence,"he adds," so AC/ DC was relaxing to them."There's no single piece of music that will affect everyone in the same way”, he says. He also contends that the brain doesn't have a single"music centre. "Music activates nearly every section of the brain that we have found so far,"says the researcher. This demonstrates the universality and energy of music's powerful capability to affect us.  Levitin believes that if you want to use music to do away stress, pump yourself up, or else change your internal emotional state, you likely have a library of songs that will do the trick.  o not hesitate to get straight in. Keeping distractions to a minimal is all that is required. He continues, "We fool ourselves into thinking we can do two things at the same time." While listening to inspiring music may encourage you to exercise harder or for longer periods of time, he says that listening to calming music while reading the news or scrolling through social media will not help you relax. Consider music therapy, a field that focuses on using music to improve patient results. This will help you develop a stronger connection between music and your health. "As therapists, we collaborate with a person who is looking to help themselves feel more complete or optimistic—or to discover parts of themselves they aren't aware of—using music," says Alan Turry, general manager of the Nordoff-Robbins Center for Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction at New York University. Music therapy can take a variety of forms. According to Turry, one is "directed imagery in music," in which a professional therapist uses music chosen by the patient to assist a person identify her strengths or challenges. He continues, "Music may establish a sense of [therapist-patient] attunement "Sharing music makes the patient feel as though the therapist "really gets me," says the patient. Singing or playing an instrument are examples of other methods of music therapy. He continues, "How we produce music might reveal something about ourselves that a therapist can deal with. "Someone may only be able to play a drum in one tempo or dynamic, indicating a lack of adaptability in other areas of their life." "Music is a way to bypass our cerebral side and connect with our emotional lives, which we often keep hidden," Turry argues. "If someone is having a hard time, there is usually a way for music to assist."

Incredible Facts About American Christmas Music!

With the chilly weather it signals the arrival of winter season, which means it’s time to pamper our desire for Christmas again. The best way is to get deeply lost in the Xmas music by Frank Sinatra, Mariah Carey and more. But before indulging into the Christmas music, let’s talk about the history of American Christmas music and get to know the facts about it. Starting with the most famous Christmas song “Jingle Bells”. We associate this song with Christmas but do you know that this song was originally produced for Thanksgiving, yes you read it right. This song was written in 1857 by James Lord Pierpont to honor Thanksgiving. Another interesting fact about this song is that it is the first song that was performed in space.  The Xmas holiday contained the elements of Christian, Pagan and secular, from Medieval Christmas festivities ahead. The holiday season was celebrated with so much zeal and zest during the 17 th and 18 th centuries, American colonist used to do mumming practices, containing pranks, costumes, dancing and musical instruments. In the 18 th century, sacred Christmas music was written by Boston tanner and composer William Billings. American Christmas music gained immense popularity during the 19 th century in the United States, which was developed from various immigrant traditions. Other people also played their part to the popularity of Xmas traditions, one of them was Charles Dickens who put forward his two successful novels “The Pickwick Papers” (1836-7) and “A Christmas Carol” (1843). During this era, the celebrations of Xmas included Christmas caroling which used to happened door-to-door, Christmas cards and living nativity scenes. (Get more of Christmas music, only on https://www.loopazon.com). In the 19 th century, there were several classic Christmas carols were delivered which included “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” (1849), “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” (1863), and “Away in a Manager” (1885). In the 20 th century, the Christmas music gained huge success via the radio, television and film. The major part played in the success of Xmas music was by Hollywood by producing films like “Holiday Inn” (1942), “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” (1964), “It’s a Wonderful Life” (1946) and “A Christmas Story” (1983). Benjamin Hanby’s “Up on the Housetop” was the first Xmas song that mentioned Santa Claus. This song was written in 1864 and was an inspiration of 1823 poem “A Visit from Saint Nicholas” by Clement Clarke Moore that included going down the chimney and a sleigh on the roof. In 1953, Gene Autry covered this song and he became instant famous. One of the oldest Christmas hymns is “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” which still get airplay. During the 12 th century, this hymn was initially produced in Latin. Later, it was translated into English in 1851 by John Mason Neale. (Visit  https://www.loopazon.com for Xmas songs). The three famous Xmas songs were written by Jewish songwriter Johnny Marks which were “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”, “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” and “Holly Jolly Christmas”. Another Jewish songwriter Irving Berlin wrote “White Christmas” which was initially planned for a Broadway musical that unfortunately was never produced. Later, in 1942, it was picked up by Hollywood producers who produced a movie Holiday Inn starring Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire and used this Xmas song in this movie. This version of “White Christmas” starring Bing Crosby is all time highest selling single. There was another version of this song by Elvis Presley which Irving Berlin hated to the core, he even tried to stop radio stations to play Presley’s version. The most interesting fact attached to this song is that it was played by American army, in April 1975, over Armed forces radio as a signal for soldiers to vacate Saigon.  The second Xmas music to be broadcasted on radio was “O Holy Night” in 1906 which was a violin solo. Originated in 1700s the two of the oldest English Christmas hymns are “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” and “Joy to the World”. The song that made its way into the Christmas songs list without mentioning about the holiday once is “Let It Snow” which was also written by two Jewish songwriters Jule Styne and Sammy Cahn. One of the famous Xmas songs “My Heart Will Go On” is written by Celine Dion who was also a co-writer of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You”. In 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis famous songwriter Gloria Shayne Baker wrote a song as a plea for peace which was “Do You Hear What I Hear?”. One of the famous holiday classic song “Silver Bells” written by Jay Livingston and Ray Evan was initially titled as “Tinkle Bells” (as per the book “America’s Songs: The Stories behind the Songs of Broadway, Hollywood and Tin Pan Alley by Philip Furia and Michael Lasser) but Livingston’s wife clarified that trinkle was often used as a synonym for urination and then they have to change it to Silver Bells. The most famous character of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was not originated in Jonny Marks’ classic Christmas jingle, rather it was created by a staff copywriter Robert L. May who worked for Montgomery Ward department store. He came up with this character of reindeer for holiday themes series of coloring books offered by the retail giant.  One of the oldest secular Christmas songs is “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” which originated in 16 th century in England. During a summer heatwave in 1944, “The Christmas Song” (commonly known as “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire”) was written by Mel Tormé. Darlene Love sang her holiday hit “Christmas Baby Please Come Home” on David Letterman’s late-night show for 28 years. The original version of “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” was recorded by singer Brenda Lee when she was only 13 years old. Another Jewish songwriting duo Felix Bernard and Richard B. Smith wrote “Winter Wonderland”. The famous “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” was written by Randy Brookes in 1978, the interesting fact is that it was sung by an actual DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) Elmo Shrophire. (Log on to https://www.loopazon.com to listen to your favorite Christmas music). Another interesting fact is about the famous Xmas song “You are a mean one, Mr. Grinch”. You might not know this fact but when we will tell you, you will sense how you did not realize it yet.  The baritone in Tony the Tiger, the avatar for Frosted Flakes whose slogan was " They're Gr-r-reat! ”, was done by the Famous voice actor Thurl Ravenscroft who also sang the tune “You are a mean one, Mr. Grinch” in the TV movie ‘How the Grinch stole Christmas!’ which was produced in 1966. You must have heard about the famous Christmas Truce of 1914, where different troops such as British, French, Belgian and German laid down their guns and got united for gift exchanges, soccer matches and sing-alongs upon the Western Front. Various different stories are there to share experiences and explain the position of soldiers upon the western front but one of the British soldiers who fought with the second queen regiment Pvt. Albert Moreno described his experience of caroling on the battlefield with the enemy. He stated in an interview reprinted by Time “the Germans would sing one of their carols first and then we would sing ours, until when we started up ‘O Come, All Ye Faithful’. They then instantly started singing the same carol in Latin words ‘Adeste Fideles’ and that was such an extraordinary moment – two nations in the middle of a war singing the same carol”.