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Choosing the Best Cymbals for Your Drum Kit

The role of cymbals is often overlooked in conversations about drums. The cymbals (crash, ride and hi-hats) have a major role in a drummer’s performance, with the best drummers using them to punctiliously accentuate a rhythm. As loop producers, Loopazon holds the quality of cymbals in high importance whenever we get the luxury to sample the original drum kit. We collaborate with our drummers to carefully select the cymbals to be sampled.

Guide to Choosing the Perfect Kit (How to for Beginners, Top List)

At some point or another…every person on Earth fantasizes about playing the drums. And yet it takes a rare and special individual to actually take that first step… And do what’s necessary to turn that fantasy into a reality… Simply because of the many problems and headaches that inherently come with the instrument itself.

Guide to Digital Pianos/Keyboards for Beginners

Assuming you haven’t figured it out already… Digital pianos are undoubtedly one of the most  frustrating  musical instruments to shop for… And for many different reasons: They’re probably the most “feature-rich” instruments in existence They come in a huge range of prices, from $100 to several thousand There’s several different “categories”, each designed for its own purpose And yet despite these differences…

Guide to Ukuleles for Beginners (Full Tutorial)

No matter what style of music you play… It seems like  everyone  develops a crush on the ukulele  at some point . It’s a great “first instrument” for young musicians. It’s a useful tool in the arsenal of multi-instrumentalists. And it’s a momentary fascination for aging rock stars. But regardless of which of these categories YOU fit into…

Beginner’s Guide to Electric Ukuleles (How to Tutorial : Easy)

While it’s unlikely to ever gain mainstream popularity… There’s just  something  awesome about the  electric ukulele . And if you’re reading this article, I’m guessing you agree. But whether you’re buying one to record your next masterpiece… Or to simply jam on your headphones… You still need to thoroughly educate yourself on the instrument  first , right?

Beginner’s Guide to Bass Ukuleles (Full Tutorial) : How to

If you play bass… Or ukulele for that matter… There’s a good chance you’ve heard rumors in recent years… About a crazy new instrument called the  bass ukulele , that’s small enough to fit in your backpack… Yet can somehow produce surprisingly nice tones, that  almost  rival the realism of today’s electronic drums. A novelty instrument, you ask?  Possibly. But what music geek can resist the allure of such a fascinating new instrument?

Beginner How To Guide for Ukulele Strings

When you finally settle on that first ukulele after days of online research… You think your problems are over. That is…until you wake up one day  and come to the obvious conclusion that your strings won’t last forever. And the time will soon come (it probably already has) when you’ll need some new strings.

How to Saxophone for Beginners

So you wanna learn how to play the saxophone, huh? Let’s face it, we all considered playing it at some point in our life. We all have in mind the image of a lone saxophonist playing in a foggy street of New York City at night… Right? And there’s just something unique and fascinating about its sound, the musicians who play it, and even its shape… And, unlike the vast majority of musical instruments, the saxophone is a fairly recent invention, which might be one of the reason it is so versatile. So whether you want to learn to play that cheesy 80’s lick, or become the next John Coltrane…

Beginner’s Guide to the Trumpet (How To Tutorial)

For some reason, when choosing an instrument, the trumpet is  rarely  among the first choices .  In fact, many people don’t even consider it as much as other wind instrument such as, say, the  saxophone . And that’s a real shame since the trumpet is a seriously cool instrument.

How to Use the Flute for Starters

Did you know the flute is the  oldest instrument in the world ? The first specimens are dated to as old as  40,000 years  ago. Virtually every region in the world has its own variant of the flute, and you probably played it yourself at some point in school. Remember these recorders? Well, in this post I’ll be covering the  Western Classical Flute , also known as transverse flute.