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The Beginner’s Guide to Electric Guitars (How To Full Tutorial)

Whether you’re a complete newbie trying to find your  first  electric guitar… Or an old-timer browsing for your  10th … The actual process of finding your  next guitar never really gets much easier. Because no matter how many you’ve played, and how many you own… There’s always hundreds more that you’ve never even heard of, and will never get to play…

Guide to Guitar Cables for Stage and Studio (Beginner How To Tutorial)

Of all the things that might improve your guitar tone… You’d probably think that a new cable ranks pretty low on the list, right? At least, that’s what most of us assume. But then there’s that occasional dude online who swears  his  cable makes all the difference in the world. So you naturally wonder…

Guitar Tuners Guide (For Beginners, Top List)

Whether you’re performing on-stage, or just practicing at home through your headphones… The first step after picking up your guitar has always been the same… You gotta get in-tune. While purists might argue that it’s better to tune by ear ( and I’d mostly agree )…

Guitar Capos Tutorial | Beginner Guide

If you ever play guitar for family or friends… I’m willing to bet you often get asked about your capo… What is that thing? And why do you move it after each song? For some reason, people who  don’t  play guitar are endlessly fascinated by it…

Guide to Guitar Stands for Stage and Studio (Beginner Tutorial)

In the beginning, we all make the same mistake… You assume that all guitar stands are the same.  So you buy the first one you see. Or worse yet, you shop around, and buy the cheapest one you can find. And virtually every one of us has at least one guitar bearing a scar from that mistake. Because as we all discover eventually…a good guitar stand is one of the wisest investments you can make.

Guide to Guitar Strings for Acoustic/Electric Guitar (Beginner Tutorial How To)

As guitar players, we all know the importance of a good set of strings… Don’t we? We’ve all heard the difference between cheap ones and the good ones. And we’ve heard the difference between old ones and fresh ones. (And if you  can’t  hear the difference…try recording them through a nice condenser mic, and listen back on some good studio monitors.)

Guide to Guitar Pickups for Under-the-Hood Musicians (How To For Beginners)

As guitar players, we’re always on the never-ending quest for better tone. We try different strings, amps, pedals, etc… But one thing that most us dare not mess with is  pickups . Because quite frankly, they’re intimidating. And the mere thought of tearing out the guts of your beautiful electric guitar can be sickening… Even to the “more-experienced”.

Guide to Acoustic Guitar Pickups for Stage and Studio (Full Tutorial for Beginners)

As I’m sure we can all agree… The acoustic guitar sounds best when played and heard… Well… acoustically .  Right? Because once amplification comes into play… All those little sonic nuances that balanced just perfectly on their own… Can easily get twisted and distorted to the point where the original sound is practically unrecognizable.

Guide to Guitar Slides for the Slide-Curious Players (Tutorial How to for Beginners)

It’s a secret fantasy that we all have as guitar players… At some point or another in our lives. Maybe it’s an old bluesman that inspires us… Or maybe it’s that legendary master of psychedelic sounds. But whatever YOUR reason… If you’re reading this article, you’ve probably been playing for a while now… And your curiosity with slide guitar has reached a point where you can no longer ignore it.

Guide to Guitar Picks (Top List Beginner)

Will all the money we spend on effects, amps, and more guitars… It’s hard to imagine how a little piece of plastic that costs almost nothing… Can make such a noticeable difference in your playing. And up until recently, you probably didn’t even realized it. But the truth is…