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Recording Studio Equipment List for Beginners (Full Guide)

Regardless of whether you’re a total newbie… Or you’ve had a decent home studio for a while now… The same question always lingers somewhere in the back of your mind: What’s the next step? Because when you see all those incredible images of pro studios on the internet…

Beginner’s Guide to Studio Rack Mounts for Home Recording (Music Tutorial)

As home studios evolve into their maturity… They begin the inevitable process of phasing-out their budget desktop gear… In favor of the pricier, but generally higher-quality rackmounted gear, commonly seen in pro studios. However, assembling your first rack is often long and complicated…

Best Power Conditioners to Safeguard Your Equipment (TOP LIST)

The one thing that  all  music equipment needs is… POWER . But many people incorrectly assume that all power is the same. And it simply ISN’T. Because depending on your location, local power sources can suffer from a number of chronic problems, such as:

Best Microphone Preamps for Home Recording (Top List for Beginners)

The time comes for us all… When the mic preamps of our audio interface no longer cut it… And we need something MORE. For some, it’s because they need more channels to record bands. For others, it’s because they want ONE premium channel to make their vocals shine. Whatever YOUR reason, in this post, I’ve got you covered. Because, of the 9 preamps I’ll share with you today… I’ve chosen 3 great options in each of the following categories:

Best Headphone Amps for Home Recording (Top List For Beginners)

When the time finally comes where you’re ready to record with  others … It’s a BIG step… First , because it’s scary inviting outsiders to your studio for the first time… Second , because it means you’ll need a few upgrades. And one most people start with is a  headphone amp . If you’ve done some research, then you already know… The options can vary greatly, in BOTH functionality and price. So to help you make sense of it all, in today’s post I review and compare the  7 best headphone amps currently on the market . But first…

Best Monitor Management Systems for Home Recording (Top List For Beginners)

As young studios grow into maturity… A common upgrade folks add is an array of multiple studio monitors… To cross-check their mixes across a variety of playback devices. The problem however, is that audio interfaces are rarely equipped to handle this kind of routing…

Best MIDI Keyboard Controllers for Home Recording (Top List For Beginners)

So often these days, home recording is a one-man-job. Because as technology improves, and more things can be “ faked ” with virtual instruments and software modeling… Jobs that used-to require an entire team of people… Can now be done with just you, a simple audio interface… and your trusty old  MIDI controller . Of course,  some  controllers are MUCH better than  others …

Best Control Surfaces for Home Recording (TOP LIST For Beginners)

Long before you started with home recording… You fantasized about how cool it would be to one-day sit at one of those giant analog mixing boards…just like the pros do. But since then, you’ve probably discovered that mixing at home is more often done on a mouse and keyboard… Which isn’t nearly as cool.  But there  is  an alternative…

Beginner’s Guide to Music Production Software (How To For Beginners)

Despite what some recording “purists” might say… There’s no denying that with each passing year… The classic analog gear of decades-past is slowly but surely, being phased-out… As computers get faster and recording software gets ever-more sophisticated.

Beginner’s Guide to Snake Cables for Home Recording (Tutorial)

Over time, home studios have a way of collecting too many cables. It happens so slowly, you don’t even realize it… Until one day you look around to find… Your floor is covered in black lines, and back of your rack looks like a spider web. The standard solution at this point, is of course, a  snake cable …