Music Making Tutorials, Guides, Articles

Form a band online, promote your music, buy custom beats, sound parts, and share your Beat or Track as a Royalty Free loop with us. Collaborate to make beats online with the best loop makers from around the world on the Forum for musicians and beat makers. Keep up to date with Music News and learn from FL Studio Video Tutorials and the articles on the Blog. Free DAW Music Software downloads, VST and Instrument Packs for FL Studio, Pro Tools, Logic, Ableton, and how to use the most popular free DAW Software, Fruity Loop Plugins, MIDIs and more.

Learn How To Make Music With Loopazon Music Making Tutorial, Beginner Guides, And Sample Beat Step By Step Articles. How To Use FL Studio instruments with Midi controller, VST plugin download tutorials for Ableton, Logic and DAWs.

Music Production Guide: The 4 Steps to Recording a Song (How to for Beginner)

The world of music has changed. Decades ago, if you were a musician, and you wanted to record an album… You and your band played your asses off in bars and clubs every night… And  prayed  that some big-shot producer in the audience who would impressed enough to give you a shot.

How To record Better Vocals | Beginner Guide

Vocals …it’s the one thing we all record. And it’s the one thing all listeners hear. Therefore… it demands our best work . But with all the knowledge, gadgets, and techniques it requires… It can feel overwhelming for beginners especially early on. The good news is, with a just few simple tips… Virtually anyone can SIGNIFICANTLY improve their sound in almost no time at all.

Beginners Guide on: How to Record on Bass, Drums, Keyboards and Guitars

The next step after setting up a working studio is to actually start recording instruments. More than often, methods that work for pro-studios wouldn’t work as much as we’d want to at home studios. “Oddly enough, the lack of solutions around us makes us a little bit more creative in a sense”—unknown. Today, we’re going to be elaborating on some recording methods that can be done practically at home for top 5 most used music instruments: acoustic guitar, bass, electric guitar, drums and keyboards.

Beginner Guide to Microphone Polar Patterns (How It Works)

You’ve read tons of product descriptions… And you see the same 3 words appear over and over… Cardioid ,  Omnidirectional , and  Figure-8 . But what do they actually MEAN?

How to Guide for Stereo Recording (Beginner)

When you first learn about the power of microphone positioning, you’re instantly fascinated. Could a difference of an inch in positioning really make that much a difference in sound? As you eventually come to find out… absolutely  it does. And once you discovered that, you start to wonder – what else have I been missing out on all this time?

Mixing on Headphones: How To Guide For Beginners

It sounds SO appealing, right? No expensive studio monitors… No big control room with fancy acoustic treatment. Just you, your headphones, and the tracks that will become your next masterpiece.

How Our Ears Sense the Direction of Sounds

Haven’t you ever wondered…. When you hear a sound, and you instinctually turn your head  toward  that sound…. How do you know where it comes from? This incredible hearing ability is one that we use daily, both in music and in real life.  Yet few people understand how it works. And so today, I will show you.

A Basic Understanding of the ‘Decibel’ (dB), for Music Producers

You would have come across this numerical unit on countless occasions in various articles in Loopazon. Probably a good percentage of readers would have guessed what it conveys as they have seen it before. But many of you would have not necessarily understood how it is calculated or expressed. This is quite natural and you need not really be an expert with equations and formulae in physics to be a music producer. However a basic understanding about the unit could benefit you on some occasions, especially if you are planning to upgrade your studio gear or contemplating making additions to it.

Fletcher Munson Curve EXPLAINED

Among the geeky, yet still essential topics of music recording, we have the  Fletcher Munson Curve . If you’ve had trouble grasping the concept up until now, trust me, I know the feeling. One look at that damn graph leaves your head spinning. But….

Beginner’s Guide to Digital Audio for Music Recording

When home recording first became mainstream… It happened for one simple reason: The analog gear of decades past was slowly, but surely, being replaced… By a new generation of audio interfaces and other digital gear that was cheaper and easier-to-use than ever before. And that trend has continued since.