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Best Reflection Filters/Isolation Shields for aspiring vocalists

Gone are the days when recording equipment was cumbersome and prohibitively expensive for an aspiring vocalist. The digital age has made the idea of home studios economical. Inexpensive yet effective and portable recording equipment are a godsend to upcoming talents today. Reflection Filters are the most economical and accessible equipment for a budding vocalist. They are portable and easy to set up at home, even in your small bedroom. Since its invention in the mid-2000s, it has become the go-to home solution for amateurs, budding professionals and even some established vocalists and music producers who would often turn to reflection filters for smaller recordings at home for advertisement jingles and promos.

Best Monitor Isolation Pads to Improve Your Sound (How To, Full Guide for Beginners)

When you invest money in good studio monitors… It’s because you understand and appreciate the value of accurate monitoring. So it makes little sense then… To ignore the one small accessory that allow your monitors to truly shine. Of course, I’m referring to  monitor isolation pads … And in today’s post, I reveal  6 of the best ones on the market .

How to Set Up Your Recording Room (Full Guide for Beginners)

Once you’ve got a basic collection of recording gear… The next big task is designing your room. While most beginners underestimate the importance of this step, the truth is… A well-designed room can be the difference between smooth sailing and major headaches down the road. So to spare you the months of frustration… In this post, we’ll go through the ENTIRE step-by-step process of setting up your recording room the RIGHT WAY. So let’s get started.  First up…   STEP 1: Choose the Best Room In an average household, you might have the option of  2-3 rooms  to set up your studio.

Best Studio Mixing Desks for Home Recording (For Beginners)

The time comes for us all, when the make-shift workspace you started with… Can no longer support the ever-growing demands of your studio… And it’s time to invest in a proper desk. The problem is, finding the right desk for YOUR studio is no easy task… Because the perfect option for one studio might work terribly for another. That is why, in today’s post, I will share with you… 6 awesome home studio desks … Each one ideal for a SPECIFIC kind of setup. First up…

Best Studio Chairs for Music Recording (Top List)

Have you ever stopped to think… How many hours you spend every week,  sitting in your studio ? A lot, huh? And while you may not care much at first, eventually you come to realize… That all those hours can be either be spent sitting  comfortably … or  NOT .

Recording Studio Signal Flow Explained (How It Works)

What happens to sound once it enters the microphone? Long story short, it travels through a complicated chain of equipment and eventually re-emerges out your studio monitors. But what’s the long version of that story?  Where EXACTLY does the sound go?  And WHY? That’s the topic of today’s article.  Let’s start things off with a little diagram I made. Here’s how it works:  Start at the guitar, and follow the arrows through each step in the signal chain, until you arrive at the ear in the center.

Monitor Placement: Positioning Tips for Optimal Sound

It sounds silly to spend thousands on studio monitors… Only to waste their potential by not taking the time to position them right. Doesn’t it? Yet many folks do exactly that.  Because what they don’t realize is… A seemingly small detail like  monitor placement  can have an even  greater  impact on your sound… Than the monitors themselves!

Best Studio Monitor Stands for Home Recording (Top List for Beginners)

When your studio monitors aren’t positioned correctly… Your sound suffers…as we all know. And while  some  studios can find that “sweet spot” simply by placing their monitors on the desk… Many prefer the added flexibility offered by a good pair of  studio monitor stands .

Best Studio Monitor Stands for Home Recording (Top List for Beginners)

  When your studio monitors aren’t positioned correctly… Your sound suffers…as we all know. And while  some  studios can find that “sweet spot” simply by placing their monitors on the desk… Many prefer the added flexibility offered by a good pair of  studio monitor stands . And so, in today’s post… I will review and compare  7 of the top stands on the market  to see just how they stack up.

Audio Recording Guide for Beginners

Once they’ve finally gone through the long and difficult process of building their home studio… Newbies are often so proud of themselves that they forget the most important part of what they’re trying to accomplish… They still need to USE that studio to record some music! The problem is…it’s actually  way  harder to create a decent audio recording than you might think.