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Best Microphones for Recording Vocals (FREE - CHEAP)

When it comes to microphones, it’s the first question on any beginner’s mind: What’s the best mic for recording vocals? Well the truth is… A list of the absolute “BEST” vocal mics would have NOTHING under $3000.  And for a basic studio, that’s ridiculous. But the good news is… There are plenty great alternatives for much cheaper. And in todays post, I give you several examples in my top 7 list of  Awesome Vocal Mics under $700 .

Best Microphones for Recording Acoustic Guitar: under $500

Despite its beautiful simplicity… There’s no doubt that the  acoustic guitar  is a challenging instrument to record. Mostly because…capturing it in  full-detail  requires some form of  stereo recording . The problem is… To perform those techniques, you still need a good assortment of condenser microphones…

Best Microphones for Recording Electric Guitar (TOP LIST)

If you’re like most guitar players… Ever since you first started playing, you’ve been on a never-ending quest for the “perfect tone”. Yet even when you think you’ve found it… That’s only  half-the-battle , because it still needs to sound just as good on your recordings. And while electric guitar recording is a huge topic in-itself… The first step in getting a good sound is starting with good microphones.

Best Microphones for Recording Drums at Home (TOP LIST)

In today’s home studios… Where electronic drum kits, MPC’s and virtual instrument drums are the norm… It’s oddly rare to find someone who actually records acoustic drums! However, for the lucky few with enough  space , and enough gear… A well recorded track of acoustic drums can be the difference between a song that sounds like it was done…

Best Mics for Bass Guitar and Kick Drums (TOP LIST)

We all want a better low-end in our mixes, right? And while most folks look to their studio monitors and/or acoustic treatment to solve this problem… The FIRST step is of course… Recording it RIGHT, at the SOURCE. To do that, not just any mic will do… A good bass mic is a MUST.

Guide to Acoustic Treatment for Home Studios (Full Tutorial, How To For Beginners)

One of the biggest sticking points newbies have when first getting started with home recording is… They  grossly  underestimate the importance of  room acoustics … And assume that just because they have a nice condenser microphone and expensive studio monitors… great sound comes automatically. But the truth is…the acoustics of your room have more-to-do with sound quality… Than perhaps anything else your studio….  anything . So rather than face months of frustration trying to figure out what you’re doing wrong…you might as well get this stuff handled right now. ! Which is why in this post, I will walk you step by step through the entire process of designing an effective acoustic treatment setup for your home studio. Ready?  Let’s begin.  First up… Acoustics 101 Before getting started with acoustic treatment, it’s a good idea to have a basic understanding of acoustics in general. The good news is…you don’t need a degree in acoustical engineering to run a recording studio. All you need is a few SIMPLE CONCEPTS.  Starting with… 1. How Sound Travels in a Room Whenever a sound is made in a room, here’s what happens to it: Starting at the source, it projects outward in all directions. A small portion of it  (known as direct sound)  travels in a straight line to the microphone. The remainder  (known as reflected sound)  bounces randomly between the surfaces of the room. Moments later, some of those reflections reach the microphone by chance. Now… Since  direct sound  does not interact with the room, its frequency balance remains pure, and its tone unaltered. With  reflected sound , each new reflection has the potential to CHANGE the original sound ever-so-slightly. Depending on the  size of the room , and the  reflective surfaces  within it… This change could be either LARGE or SMALL…GOOD or BAD. In most rooms it’s bad.  And here’s why: 2. Why Most Rooms Have Poor Acoustics Have you ever gotten to visit a grand cathedral like the one in this picture? If so…did you notice how every sound in there is absolutely incredible? That’s because, rooms like these are not only designed to LOOK beautiful… They’re designed to SOUND beautiful as well. The problem is…rooms with great acoustics require a LOT of space and a LOT of money to build. And since most of us have neither…here’s how we fake it: 3. How to Fake a Great Room Tone Way back in the 1960’s… Someone invented the awesome machine known as the  Echo  Chamber . This machine allowed engineers to  simulate the reverb  of a room OTHER than the one where it was recorded. Over the years, the technology grew more sophisticated, and  today … Software programs known as  digital reverb  can simulate the sound of virtually any acoustic environment imaginable. The only catch is…before you can add  FAKE reverb , you must first remove the  REAL reverb . Here’s how it’s done: 4. How to Remove the Natural Reverb of a Room Ever noticed those foam panels on the walls of recording studios? While they might look super cool… Their REAL purpose is to absorb sound reflections. Normally, those reflections get recorded… But with  acoustic absorption , all that remains is the  direct sound  from the instrument to the microphone…which is exactly what we want. That’s how it works “in theory”… But in practice, many people find that  absorption  actually works best in combination with another type of acoustic treatment known as  diffusion . Here’s how it works: 5. How Diffusion Improves Your Sound When you remove ALL sound reflections with  absorption … Many people find that the room sounds uncomfortably “dead”. The solution here…is to allow a few reflections to remain, and to scatter them with  diffusors . Normally, untreated reflections create problems because they get trapped in one spot, amplifying some frequencies, while canceling out others. This is how the natural frequency balance gets destroyed. Diffusors work by scattering reflections so nothing gets trapped, and the natural tone is preserved. With the right combination of both  absorption  and  diffusion , you can transform the acoustics of virtually any room…into something capable of a world-class recording. Now that you understand the fundamentals of acoustics…the NEXT step is applying these principles toward your room by adding some acoustic treatment. But before we do that, let’s clear up a common misconception that newbies often have… Soundproofing vs. Acoustic Treatment Very often, musicians will use these two terms interchangeably, mistaking ONE for the OTHER… When really, each one is completely different. Soundproofing  is intended to minimize the level of sound that travels in and out of your room by: by blocking them with heavy, dense building material. sealing up any air gaps in windows/doors. The benefit here is…you can record whenever you wish, without worrying about you and your neighbors disturbing each other. Acoustic treatment  on the other hand, aims ONLY to control sound reflections WITHIN the room, to make better sounding recordings. BOTH of these are valuable, but NEITHER does the job of the other. And while soundproofing can definitely be incorporated as part of your acoustic treatment plan, it’s not technically acoustic treatment in itself. Evaluating Your Bare Room Too often, when novices first hear of the supposed benefits of acoustic treatment… They immediately go out and buy stuff, without first diagnosing and evaluating the extent of their problem. So…to find out how bad the acoustics in your room  really  are, here’s what you do: Walk around the room,  clap your hands as loud as you can  from  every  spot, and listen closely to the reverberations that follow. In the WORST case scenario  – you’ll hear a  harsh metallic ringing sound , which typically occurs in small cubical rooms. In the BEST case scenario  – you’ll hear a  pleasant reverb , which typically occurs in larger rooms with high ceilings and lots of complex diffusive surfaces. But most likely, the sound you hear will be somewhere in-between.  Now… The closer it is to #1, the more absorption you will need to make the room sound as dry as possible. The closer it is to #2, the less acoustic treatment you will need in general, although virtually any room will still benefit from  a little . If you need some reference points to hear the difference between good and bad acoustics, perform the clap test in a wide variety of different rooms, and take notice of which types tend to sound best. Then later on, when you begin installing acoustic treatment in your room, use the clap test constantly throughout the process to observe how the sound changes. With each new addition, that nasty ringing should be becoming less prominent, until it disappears completely. The 3 Elements of Acoustic Treatment Getting your room to sound great with acoustic treatment requires of a combination of 3 items: Bass Traps  – to absorb the low frequencies Acoustic Panels  – to absorb the mid/high frequencies Diffusers  – to scatter the remaining frequencies Now let’s learn more about each one… 1. Bass Traps The first and most important element of acoustic treatment to add to your room is  bass traps . If you can only afford 1 thing now, get these. And here’s why: Though commonly thought of as specialized tools for absorbing bass frequencies… Porous bass traps are actually broadband absorbers, meaning they’re good at absorbing mid/high frequencies as well. Which is why sometimes…bass traps alone can be enough to get the job done. In small home studio rooms especially, where bass frequencies can be particularly problematic, bass traps are a MUST-HAVE. 2. Acoustic Panels While many people think of acoustic panels as the primary “go-to” weapons to combat problems with studio acoustics… The truth is, they’re almost completely ineffective at absorbing the lowest bass frequencies… And should therefore be used as a supplemental tool…AFTER the bass traps are taken care of. But here’s what they can do that bass traps can’t: Because they’re thinner, and offer more surface area with less material, acoustic panels can provide greater wall coverage, for less money. What that does is kill any standing waves that may exist between opposite parallel walls.  Which is the one thing that bass traps can’t really do, since they’re primarily located in the corners of the room. 3. Diffusers Most folks today believe that for smaller rooms… Like those of most home studios… The effectiveness of diffusion is greatly reduced, if not neutralized. For project studios, that’s  good news , because it eliminates the need for expensive diffusers. Many people don’t use them at all.  Yet others disagree completely, and use tons of them. So it’s totally up to you.  Just remember to get the absorption part handled first…then if you want to add some diffusers later, here are 3 great options I recommend: Auralex Studiofoam T’Fusor  – ( Amazon ) Auralex Sustain Bamboo Waveprism  – ( Amazon / B&H ) Auralex Sustain Bamboo Peak Pyramid  – ( Amazon / B&H ) Up next… 3 Great All-in-One Packages If you haven’t figured it out by now…buying all this stuff individually can be a HUGE hassle. Which is why companies like  Auralex  and  Primacoustic  offer complete “room packages” to simplify the process and eliminate ALL the guesswork. For home studios, here are 3 great packages I recommend: 1. Primacoustic London 12 Known as one of the  top brands  in acoustic treatment… Primacoustic  offers a ton of great solutions for home studios… Including their current line of room packages known as the  London Series . I recommend the mid-sized  London 12 , which as you can see in the picture, is a perfect solution for standard sized rooms. Here’s what’s included: Two 24″ x 48″ x 2″ Broadband Panels Eight 12″ x 48″ x 2″ Columns Twelve 12″ x 12″ x 1″ Scatter Blocks various mounting hardware Check it out: Click to compare prices  – ( Amazon / B&H / GuitarC / MusiciansF ) Also check out the smaller  London 10  – ( Amazon / B&H / GuitarC / MusiciansF ) designed for 100 square foot rooms. Up next… 2. Auralex Roominators Pro Plus Kit The only brand more popular and trusted than  Primacoustic … Is of course… Auralex . And the standard full package option they recommend for project studios is… The Auralex Roominators Pro Plus Kit . Included in this kit is: 36 Studiofoam 2″ Wedge Panels 12 LENRD Bass Trap 8 T’Fusor 3D Sound Diffusors EZ Stick Pro Adhesive Tabs for mounting Check it out: Click to compare prices  – ( Amazon / B&H / GuitarC / MusiciansF / Thomann ) Also check out the smaller, more affordable  Auralex Alpha-DST  – ( Amazon / B&H / GuitarC / MusiciansF / Thomann ) containing: 32 1’x1′ two fin panels 32 1’x1′ four fin panels 4 LENRD Bass Traps EZ Stick Pro Adhesive Tabs for mounting Up last, the best package of them all… 3. Auralex SFS-184 SonoFlat System For those of you who don’t care much for the “traditional” look of acoustic foam… Auralex also offers some sleek and sexy alternatives in the  Auralex Sonoflat Series . At the top of this series, is the  Auralex SFS-184 System , which offers the MOST goodies of any package we’ve seen so far. Included in this package are: Thirty-Two 2′ x 2′ x 2″ SonoFlat Panels Eight SonoCollars Eight 12″ x 6″ x 28″ SonoColumns Six Q’Fusors Tubetak Pro for mounting Check it out: Click to compare prices  – ( Amazon ) Also check out the cheaper  Auralex SFS-112 SonoFlat System  which includes: Twenty-Four 2′ x 2′ x 2″ Sonoflat Panels Four SonoCollars Four 12″ x 6″ x 28″ SonoColumns Tubetak Pro for Mounting Check it out: Click to compare prices  – ( Amazon / B&H ) Up next… The 3 KEY Points in Any Room Once your acoustic treatment has arrived in the mail, you’re  almost  ready to start putting it up. First though, there are 3 key areas of the room which we must define. They are: Trihedral corners  – shown in the diagram as the red dots Dihedral corners  – shown in the diagram as the blue lines The Walls  – shown as the flat white surface area Common wisdom states that in  any  room: the trihedral corners get  first  priority for coverage the dihedral corners get  next  priority the walls get  last  priority And here’s why: For best results, it makes sense to place acoustic treatment in the areas which have the greatest impact, right? Well at the trihedral corners…all 3 sets of parallel walls converge, and any absorption located here catches room modes from all 3 dimensions, essentially working 3x as effectively. The dihedral corners get next priority, since they work on 2 dimensions.  And finally there’s the walls, which only work on one. Now… How to Set Everything Up The typical setup process consists of 4 basic steps which I’ll show you now. Step 1: Since bass traps offer the widest range of broadband absorption… It makes sense to put them in the areas where they can have the greatest impact. Which is why the first step in setting up your acoustic treatment is to mount a bass trap at each of the tridhedral corners. Step 2: Now that the most important corners are covered… The next step is to fill in the remaining corners with acoustic panels. To cover the dihedral corners, simply bend them around the edge  as shown in the picture … And be sure to leave an air gap for maximum low-end absorption. While I recommend using  some  of your acoustic panels for this purpose, don’t use them  all … Because you still need most of them for the next task… Step 3: Whenever two opposing walls are parallel to each other… Sound waves have a tendency to reflect back and forth in the same spot… Causing some frequencies to be amplified, and others to be cancelled-out. To avoid this problem, mount your acoustic panels flat on the walls, and be sure to spread them evenly throughout the entire room. To get maximum effectiveness from a limited number of panels, avoid placing panels on BOTH points of opposing walls…and instead, stagger their positions as shown in the above picture. And finally… Step 4: The commonly accepted theory when it comes to diffusion is…it’s far more effective in  larger  rooms compared to  smaller rooms. Add to that, the fact that commercially-made diffusers are  expensive , and it’s no surprise that most home studios skip it entirely.  And that’s totally fine. However, if you  do  use them… even better.  In which case, the standard locations to put them are: the ceiling/ the upper portion of the walls in rooms with high ceilings. Everything head-level or below should be absorption to kill those initial reflections. Up next… Control Room vs Live Room Strategies In pro studios, where  control rooms  are used for mixing and  live rooms  are used for recording…different acoustic treatment strategies exist for each purpose. The strategies we just covered are what you would typically use for a live room, to get a nice sound from virtually anywhere in the room. However, in the control room, where the main goal is to maximize the accuracy of your studio monitors from the seated mixing position… If  your  studio (like most home studios), is one that uses one room as both the control room AND live room… Your acoustic treatment setup will need to blend elements from both strategies into a single “hybrid” plan. Up next… What to Do if the Money’s Already Spent When setting a budget for your studio, you should ideally set-aside a BIG chunk of the money (possibly as high as 50%), for acoustic treatment alone. The problem is…most of us don’t figure this out until  after  the money has already been spent. And while you can always save up more for the  future , there’s still the problem of what to do  right now . Typically, people try various DIY methods of acoustic treatment including: Carpeting Cup holders Egg Crate Foam The problem is…they DON’T work, and can actually  worsen  the situation by absorbing the high-frequencies, while ignoring the low-frequencies ( where the real problems exist ). So here are 5  effective  DIY solutions that I suggest trying instead: 1. Close-miking In rooms with poor acoustics… The  close-miking  is one technique you can use to get decent sound from a less-than-ideal situation. Here’s how it works: By positioning the mic as close to the instrument as you can ( without ruining the tone )… You increase the portion of direct sound from the instrument, while decreasing the portion of reflected sound from the room…thus minimizing the impact of the acoustics on the recording. To take this concept one step further, you can also try… 2. Using dynamic mics Since dynamic mics are typically “less-sensitive” than condenser mics… They also tend to pick up less ambience, which is  good  in rooms with poor acoustics. Which is why, in untreated rooms, you should use dynamic mics whenever possible…especially on vocals, where the difference is often  enormous . You won’t get the sparkling highs of a condenser mic, but it will still sound much better overall. Up next… 3. Household Absorbers While acoustic foam manufacturers would prefer you believe that theirs is the  only material that works… It simply isn’t true. Because  really , any type of soft porous material such as pillows, blankets, couches, or even clothes, can offer similar absorption. And since you already have plenty of that stuff lying around your house, it won’t cost a dime to simply store some of it in your studio. While it might not look as professional as “real” acoustic treatment, it does help  a lot …as long as you remember to stack everything as  thick  as possible, so all frequencies absorb evenly. Up next… 4. The “Mattress Vocal Booth” Even better than pillows and blankets… Often times, the best natural sound absorber in your house is a mattress. Which is why the most popular DIY method of recording vocals is to prop an old mattress against your wall so its directly behind the singers back as he performs. Remember though, that making this technique work requires effective broadband absorption.  And to do that: You MUST use a heavy solid-core mattress, and NOT a light inner-spring mattress.  The most sensitive side of the mic should face TOWARD the mattress, to shield it from incoming reflections. 5. Reflection Filters If commercial acoustic foam is currently beyond your budget… But you think mattress and blankets are a little bit too ghetto… A great “ in-between ” solution many project studios use is a  reflection filter . Rather than the absorbing reflections scattered about the room, reflection filters work by absorbing them before they even enter the room… Using a semi-circle absorption panel which mounts to your mic stand and wraps neatly around the mic. And while they may not work quite as well as proper acoustic treatment… they still work  decently. there’s virtually no set up. they’re about 1/10th the cost of a stand room package. Even though they may not work as well as “proper acoustic treatment”… By using your reflection filter in combination with the previous 4 techniques we covered, your recordings will sound 1000x better than they otherwise would in a completely bare room.

Soundproofing a Room TUTORIAL

It’s funny how you never realize how noisy the world actually is… Until you build your own recording studio. All those background noises that you never really noticed before… Suddenly become painfully obvious when heard through a quality condenser microphone. Which is why, one of the first questions beginners ask is: How do I soundproof my room? And so for today’s post, that’s exactly what I intend to answer. Let’s begin.  First up… !--CUT--> What Soundproofing does NOT do Often times, newbies mistakenly ask about  soundproofing , when what they  really mean is  acoustic treatment . So real quick…just to clarify: Soundproofing  makes your room quieter, by  blocking-out  external noise, while… Acoustic Treatment  makes your room sound better on a recording, by  absorbing  excessive ambience. Otherwise, let’s continue… What Soundproofing DOES do When a room is perfectly soundproofed: outside noises  stay  outside , and don’t disturb your sessions. inside noises  stay  inside , and don’t disturb your neighbors. But until you’ve recorded in a room that ISN’T soundproofed, you probably don’t realize how much noise actually exists.  For example: Common outside noises include: people, traffic, weather, and plumbing. Common equipment noises include: computer fans, hardware racks, and air conditioners. Common impact noises include: footsteps, and anything else making contact with the floor. And all of these have the potential to ruin your recordings.  Later on in this post, I’ll show you how to handle those inside noises… But first let’s tackle the outside noises, using… The 4 Methods of Soundproofing The process of soundproofing a room is accomplished using a combination of  4 tactics : Adding Mass Damping Decoupling Filling Air Gaps Here’s how it all works: 1. Adding Mass/Density To prevent sound from entering and exiting a room… The walls of that room require  lots  of mass…which prevents them from vibrating in response to sound energy. When building a room from scratch, adequate mass can be added to the wall simply by building it thick, with a dense material such as concrete. But to add mass to an  existing  room, additional structures must be built using materials such as  mass loaded vinyl,  aka Sheetblock  – ( price / reviews ), which is a standard solution for both professional and DIY projects. To measure how effective materials are at soundproofing, a metric known as  Sound Transmission Class  (STC) is used.  Hard materials like concrete will have higher STC’s, while softer materials such as insulation will have lower ones. Here’s a general guideline of what the numbers mean: 20-30 is poor 30-40 is average 40-50 is good The  other  metric used is  Sound Transmission Loss  (STL), which some say is better because it measures isolation in dB at  specific  frequency bands… While  STC  uses just one number for the entire frequency spectrum, which can often be misleading in terms of actual performance. Up next… 2. Damping Similar to adding mass,  damping  is a method of soundproofing that dissipates kinetic energy from sound waves by converting it to heat. Currently,  Green Glue  – ( Amazon ) is widely-known as the most effective damping compound on the market. By sandwiching Green Glue between two rigid panels, such as drywall, plywood, or medium density fiberboard (MDF), using two tubes for every 4×8 ft sheet… You can easily create a make-shift sound barrier for your studio that can be added to any area of the room, including the floor, ceiling, walls, or even the door. Up next… 3. Decoupling Whenever two structures in your room are in direct contact with each other… Sound vibrations from one can transfer freely to the other, making the original problem even worse. Decoupling  is the process of blocking that transfer of sound by isolating the contact points, usually with some sort of dense, pliable rubber. Other common examples of decoupling include: building a floating floor  – using rubber isolators such as the  Auralex U-Boats . building double walls  – which leaves an air gap to help to block sound, and can be made more effective by adding insulation in the open space. isolating layers  – using  resilient channels  and  resilient sound clips  to create  a “floating” wall/ceiling. isolating studs from the floors/walls/ceiling  – by applying  joist gasket tape to the studs. Using a combination of these techniques, any type of resonance that develops in the room can be contained to its original source, instead of amplified by the surrounding surfaces. Up next… 4. Filling Air Gaps The final task of soundproofing is to make sure all the little cracks and holes in the room are sealed up air-tight. Because even after completing the first 3 tasks, any open spaces still offer an easy passage for sound to sneak through. The 3 most common tools used to plug up those holes are: Acoustical Caulk  ( Amazon ) – which can be used to seal up any cracks in the perimeter of the room, or any small holes that may exist elsewhere.  This type of caulk remains soft and pliable, so no gaps open up over time. Foam Gaskets  – which seal up air gaps from your electrical outlets, window, doors, etc. Automatic Door Bottoms  ( Amazon ) – which block the open space between the bottom of the door and the floor. And that’s a basic summary of how soundproofing is done. Now at this point, you might be wondering… Is Soundproofing REALLY Necessary? As you can see, soundproofing a room is a huge job which requires time, money, and skills that most of us simply don’t have. Which is why most home studios either skip it entirely, or just do the best they can with limited resources.  And that’s totally fine… Because while  outside  noises can be annoying at times, they’re usually  periodic , so you can still find those quiet hours during the day to work in peace, even with no soundproofing whatsoever. Inside  noises on the other hand, such as those from your computer, are  constant …which makes it much harder to find suitable work-arounds. So up next… How to Keep Computer Noise Off Your Recordings These days, with single-room-setups being the norm… Computer noise is a problem that plagues virtually all home studios… Since microphones and computer are now forced to co-exist in close proximity. If this is a problem  you  currently struggle with… Here are 5 possible solutions that I suggest you try: 1. Create Maximum Acoustic Separation While it won’t  completely  solve the problem… Creating  maximum acoustic separation  between your computer and mic can at least reduct the noise to a manageable level. Here’s how it’s done: Increase the distance  – by putting your computer at one end of the room, and your mics at the other. Work the angles  – by pointing the mic away from the computer, using cardioid mics when possible. Use dynamic mics  – which operate at lower gain settings, and are less-sensitive to the high frequency noise of computers. Use acoustic treatment  – especially BEHIND the performer, where the mic is most sensitive, so any reflected computer noise gets absorbed.  Reflection filters are a good option to try as well. If these tricks alone aren’t enough to solve the problem, up next… 2. Use a Laptop Stand The fact is: when laptops get  hot , the fans engage and they get  noisy . So a great way to keep your computer cool is to use a laptop stand… Which elevates the computer up off the table, allowing air to flow beneath. The fan still engages from time-to-time, but not nearly as often. And considering the low price of an item such as this, the investment is well-worth it. Up next… 3. Get an Isobox The  Isobox , pictured to the right, is a high-end rack that solves a number of problems that standard studio racks don’t address. To tackle the problem of computer noise, it has a soundproof enclosure that protects against overheating with a silent cooling fan, and an alarm that alerts you in the event of any problems. As you might guess, the Isobox is extremely popular in high-end studios…as it is perhaps the ideal solution for anyone who can afford its incredibly-high price tag. For those who  can’t  afford it, here’s the alternative… 4. Build a DIY Isobox While it may not look as cool, or even be as effective as a  real  Isobox… Many people have seen great success by building their own “DIY Isobox” out of plywood and acoustic foam. For an example of how it’s done, check out this video:  ( This guy uses it for his guitar amp, but a similar one could be built for a computer as well. ) If you DO try this… HERE IS MY WARNING TO YOU : Anytime you place a computer inside such an enclosure, it runs the risk of overheating.  With your own design, be VERY careful to allow for adequate ventilation, and proceed at your own risk. Got it? Good. And now for the final method… 5. Use Multiple Rooms One of the nice things about pro studios is… Having multiple rooms makes it easy to keep computer noise far away from your mics. At home though, the best you can usually do is keep your computer in a nearby bedroom by itself. Of course, this  only  works with desktop towers…and many challenges arise when extending computer cables over longer distances. While no single strategy will work for all rooms, some of the more popular methods people use include: Putting your computer in a closet within the same room Buying a cable extender that allows you to extend cables to a different room Using the Apple Airplay to connect your computer via WiFi to a TV Drilling holes in the wall to run shorter cables between neighboring rooms ( probably the best option ). So your best bet is to examine the layout of your room, and decide which of these methods will work best in your situation. Up next… How to Keep A/C Noise Off Your Recordings The  other  “indoor noise” that studios often struggle with is their A/C. If you live in a warmer climate, then you already know how much it sucks to record in a hot stuffy room. And while you’d think the simple solution would be to just turn off the air while you record… Once you’ve tried it, you’ll realize how hard it is. When it’s ON, you forget to turn it off, and end up with a noisy, but otherwise perfect take.   When it’s OFF, you forget to turn it on, and don’t remember again until it’s hot-as-hell. And the constant focus on the air conditioner distracts everyone from the real task at hand.  So while it does  work , it’s not a long-term solution. Assuming you’ve again followed the 4 steps to creating  maximum acoustic isolation  that I showed you earlier for computer noise…and the A/C is  still  too loud… Here’s what I recommend: 1. Seal Up Those Cracks Many folks don’t realize this…but a big portion of A/C noise comes not from the unit itself, but from the world outside. With  window A/C’s , every little crack leaves an opening for sound to leak through. So make sure it’s sealed up air-tight.  And if you must, get a professional to help you re-install it. 2. Remove Those Vents With  central A/C’s , sometimes the problem isn’t the compressor or the fan, but the vent itself. Some vents rattle from the airflow. Others resonate with certain notes whenever music is played. So to be on the safe side, remove any vents covering the air ducts in the room. As a side benefit, this can also provide for more efficient cooling through better airflow, possibly allowing you to run the A/C on a lower setting as well. 3. Build a Sound Dampener Much like the DIY Isobox we covered earlier, a simple  A/C sound dampener  can be built with just some plywood, acoustic foam, and a little bit of handiwork. For an example of what one might look like… Here’s a diagram I found on the  Auralex website  that illustrates the concept perfectly: Now just like every other tip in this post, sound dampeners work KINDA, but not COMPLETELY. And if the 3 previous tips combined aren’t enough to solve the problem, it could be because your current A/C just isn’t up to par. So up next, I’ll help you find a better one. Starting with… The 4 Types of A/C’s All home air conditioners fall into 1 of 4 basic designs: Portable A/C’s Window A/C’s Central A/C’s Split Ductless A/C’s Here’s how they compare: 1. Portable A/C’s Because they’re easy-to-move and require no installation,  Portable A/C’s  might seem appealing for home recording… But the truth is…they’re the  worst  of the 4 options.  And here’s why: They don’t always cool the room very well. They’re surprisingly expensive. They don’t dehumidify the room like the other models. Worst of all…they’re NOISY .   So if you currently use a portable A/C, I highly suggest exploring other options. 2. Window A/C’s Compared to portable models,  Window A/C’s  offer several advantages: The outdoor drip dehumidifies the room. They’re cheaper. They’re less noisy. I say LESS noisy because personally, every window A/C I’ve ever tried was still too loud for recording.  According to some sources though, the newest models have become much quieter. However, they’re still far from ideal. 3. Central A/C’s A HUGE step up from window A/C’s,  Central A/C’s  cool the entire house, instead of just one room. The biggest advantage of this design is that the compressor is located outside, far away from your microphones… Which can  in-theory , provide an extremely quiet solution to cooling your studio. The only catch is…the house MUST-HAVE high quality air ducts in order to provide adequate airflow with minimal noise. And unfortunately, most houses have crappy ducts, and some don’t have any at all. Luckily, there’s more option… 4. Split Ductless A/C’s A hybrid between window and central A/C’s,  Split Ductless A/C’s  are actually comprised of two separate units: one for outside one for inside For a studio in need of some quiet cooling, split ductless A/C’s may be the ideal option, because just like Window A/C’s… they require no ducts, so installation is easy. they only cool single rooms, so they are cheaper than central air. And just like Central A/C’s… the compressor is outside, so there’s virtually no noise inside the room. While I don’t normally like to recommend specific products unless I’ve tried them myself, if your REALLY want a suggestion on where to start looking, the  Mitsubishi MSZ -GE Series Ultra Quiet Air Conditioners  look EXTREMELY promising: Here’s a quote I pulled from  the company’s website : Our indoor units are some of the quietest in the industry, operating at a noise level of as low as 19 dB. To put that into perspective, consider that background noise in a library is 30dB. One useful tip worth mentioning is: Buy a model designed for a room BIGGER than your own.  That way, to keep YOUR room cool, it can operate at a lower setting, and stay quiet as quiet as possible. Now to conclude this article… One Final Thought on Noise Reduction Plugins Because noise is such a complex issue with home recording, some people just give up on the problem altogether… And instead rely entirely upon  noise reduction plugins , which have become increasingly popular in recent years. But the problem with these plugins is…they can’t remove the bad sound (the noise) without seriously degrading the quality of the good sound (the music). And they really aren’t meant to.  Because originally, these plugins were designed for audio forensics…NOT music. So the better strategy is to working on eliminating noise BEFORE it gets recorded…not AFTER. And using your own combination of the methods outlined in this post, you should have no problem doing exactly that.

How To Bass Trap For Beginners (Full Guide)

Too often, when beginners plan their studio… They forget about the most important element of acoustic treatment… Which is of course:  Bass Traps . Because while regular acoustic panels are great at absorbing mid-high range frequencies… They aren’t very good at handling the  low-end …where recording studios experience the worst problems… Especially those with smaller rooms, and larger studio monitors. What this  also  means is…bass traps can be one of the most difficult elements in your studio to get “ just right “.

How to Use Acoustic Panels For Music Recording (Beginner Guide)

In order to record good sound, you NEED acoustic treatment.  That’s a given. And after your bass traps are in place, the next step is adding  acoustic panels . But when tackling this project, newbies often wonder things like: How many do I need? How much will this cost me? Can I make my own? How do I put them up? If you’re at this stage  now …

Best Reflection Filters for Recording Vocals (Full Guide, Beginner How To)

Traditional advice tells you… That to record good vocals…you need proper acoustic treatment.  Right? But in this day and age, with the rise of budget home studios… What’s “proper” isn’t always what’s practical. To save both money and space… Many studios now use  reflection filters … Which are essentially “mini vocal booths” that wrap around your vocal mic. The question is…