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Beginner Guide Stereo Microphones for Multi-Purpose Recording (TOP LIST)

Whether its from a lack of proper gear, or just laziness… So many of us just DON’T use stereo recording nearly enough… Despite knowing good and well, the advantages it has to offer. Today though, with this new trend towards stereo microphones… The technique has become simpler-than-ever to apply. And while most people wouldn’t consider them among the essential mics for studio recording…

Best Microphones for Recording Vocals (FREE - CHEAP)

When it comes to microphones, it’s the first question on any beginner’s mind: What’s the best mic for recording vocals? Well the truth is… A list of the absolute “BEST” vocal mics would have NOTHING under $3000.  And for a basic studio, that’s ridiculous. But the good news is… There are plenty great alternatives for much cheaper. And in todays post, I give you several examples in my top 7 list of  Awesome Vocal Mics under $700 . The first mic up is…

Best Microphones for Recording Acoustic Guitar: under $500

Despite its beautiful simplicity… There’s no doubt that the acoustic guitar is a challenging instrument to record. Mostly because…capturing it in full-detail requires some form of stereo recording. The problem is… To perform those techniques, you still need a good assortment of condenser microphones…

Best Microphones for Recording Electric Guitar (TOP LIST)

If you’re like most guitar players… Ever since you first started playing, you’ve been on a never-ending quest for the “perfect tone”. Yet even when you think you’ve found it… That’s only  half-the-battle , because it still needs to sound just as good on your recordings. And while electric guitar recording is a huge topic in-itself… The first step in getting a good sound is starting with good microphones.

The Most Recommended Microphones for Recording Drums at Home

With advancements in drum machines, DAWs, rhythm programming and sampling, the use of real acoustic drums has become rare in recordings. Genres too have evolved over the last three decades with rhythm loops being very conspicuously digitized, especially in genres like dubstep and psychedelic trance. Even when there is a requirement of an acoustic drum sound in a track, the music producer would mostly prefer one of these three methods instead of getting a drummer for a live session:

Best Mics for Bass Guitar and Kick Drums (TOP LIST)

We all want a better low-end in our mixes, right? And while most folks look to their studio monitors and/or acoustic treatment to solve this problem… The FIRST step is of course… Recording it RIGHT, at the SOURCE. To do that, not just any mic will do… A good bass mic is a MUST.

Guide to Acoustic Treatment for Home Studios (Full Tutorial, How To For Beginners)

One of the biggest sticking points newbies have when first getting started with home recording is… They grossly underestimate the importance of room acoustics… And assume that just because they have a nice condenser microphone and expensive studio monitors… great sound comes automatically. But the truth is…the acoustics of your room have more-to-do with sound quality… Than perhaps anything else your studio…. anything. So rather than face months of frustration trying to figure out what you’re doing wrong…you might as well get this stuff handled right now.

Soundproofing a Room TUTORIAL

It’s funny how you never realize how noisy the world actually is… Until you build your own recording studio. All those background noises that you never really noticed before… Suddenly become painfully obvious when heard through a quality condenser microphone. Which is why, one of the first questions beginners ask is: How do I soundproof my room? And so for today’s post, that’s exactly what I intend to answer. Let’s begin.  First up…

How To Bass Trap For Beginners (Full Guide)

Too often, when beginners plan their studio… They forget about the most important element of acoustic treatment… Which is of course: Bass Traps. Because while regular acoustic panels are great at absorbing mid-high range frequencies… They aren’t very good at handling the low-end…where recording studios experience the worst problems… Especially those with smaller rooms, and larger studio monitors. What this  also  means is…bass traps can be one of the most difficult elements in your studio to get “ just right “.

How to Use Acoustic Panels For Music Recording (Beginner Guide)

In order to record good sound, you NEED acoustic treatment.  That’s a given. And after your bass traps are in place, the next step is adding  acoustic panels . But when tackling this project, newbies often wonder things like: How many do I need? How much will this cost me? Can I make my own? How do I put them up? If you’re at this stage  now …