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Best Studio Monitors for Home Recording

More so that perhaps any other recording studio equipment… Studio monitors  are regarded as possibly the single most important tool for achieving great sound. Which is why top studios will sometimes spend  $10,000 + on the best that money can buy. And while that may be unrealistic for  home studios… Fortunately, you don’t need to spend  that much  to get a great pair of monitors. And to prove it to you, in today’s post I’ve compiled the following list of: The 10 Best Studio Monitors for Home Recording . First up…

Guide to XLR Mic Cables for Stage and Studio

I’m sure we can all agree, that mic cables aren’t nearly as important as, say… The microphones themselves, or studio monitors,  right ? Of course not. But are they still important? Ask any audio professional that question, and you probably WON’T get a straight answer. Because on one hand they say: A cable is a cable.  It doesn’t really matter. But add up the price of  their  cables, and they’ll most likely cost more than your entire studio.

Guide to Microphone Stands for Stage and Studio

It doesn’t take long for anyone to realize… Good microphone stands don’t get nearly as much credit as they deserve. Because while novices think they’re all the same…experienced musicians know better. If you’ve ever owned a crappy mic stand…then you know how scary it is to dive after your $1000 condenser mic just before it hits the floor.. The truth is…quality mic stands are one of the best investments you can make for any studio or live rig.

Best Pop Filters for Recording Vocals

It’s a simple tool, with a simple job. It blocks those ugly “plosives” and keeps singers from spitting all over your vocal mic. And that’s it. So naturally you assume that all pop filters are the same, right? But are they  really ? Well in today’s post, where I examine and compare 7 of the best pop filters on the market…

Guide to Mix Music Like Audio Engineer

As a home recording musician, you’re always on that  never-ending  search for better sound. You buy all the latest plugins. You own the ridiculously over-priced studio monitors and condenser mics. You read every book, and memorize every tip on how to make your mixes sound just like the pros. Except your mixes DON’T sound just like the pros…do they?

How To Guide Recording Studio Microphones

Take a look at any online music superstore, and what do you see? Thousands upon thousands of microphones. But do you really need that many for a simple home recording studio? Of course not. However, if you don’t at least know: The different types  of mics, The instruments  they record, The top brands  in the industry… How on Earth will you ever sort through the endless assortment of microphones you  DON’T  need…

Guide to Condenser Microphones for Your Little Home Studio

If you are a complete novice, the concept of acoustics could be totally alien to you. While intending to setup a compact home studio, it is suggested that you are aided by an acoustic expert. The quality of sonic input decides everything about your recording. We did discuss about the best reflection filters for your home studio. Read the article here: Best Recording Filters/Isolation Shields for Aspiring Vocalists

List of Best Dynamic Microphones

While condenser microphones might some how seem sexier to the average newbie… As any engineer will tell you… A good assortment of dynamic mics is the  foundation  of any mic collection. But among the hundreds of models to choose from… There are a select few… that every pro studio  HAS and every home studio  SHOULD HAVE Because they have proven their worth, time and again, for many decades now. And so…

Best Ribbon Mics for Home Recording (TOP LIST)

Feeling tired of the same old condenser mics? It happens to us all eventually. The romance we once had with our mic collection grows tiresome… And we want nothing more than a new toy to spice things up. Well as any engineer will tell you… A shiny new ribbon mic could be just the answer you’ve been looking for. To help you choose one, in this post I share with you my list of the 7 absolute best Ribbon Mics for home recording.

The Best USB Microphones for Portable Recording

We did discuss in detail about the best and most economical options available in the market for reflection filters and isolation sh ields. What if a reflection filter or isolation shield is not what you really need, but something much smaller, portable and a little more economical? Well, if you don’t always require a nearly flawless, professional studio-like output while recording from home, USB microphones should be good enough for you. The best ones give you fairly good results and they are comparatively cheaper than reflection filters. They are also your best companions if you are constantly on the move. A real boon for podcasters and vloggers, USB microphones come in different sizes being compatible with PCs and smartphones. Let us take you through Loopazon’s best recommendations for USB microphones: