Music Making Tutorials, Guides, Articles

Form a band online, promote your music, buy custom beats, sound parts, and share your Beat or Track as a Royalty Free loop with us. Collaborate to make beats online with the best loop makers from around the world on the Forum for musicians and beat makers. Keep up to date with Music News and learn from FL Studio Video Tutorials and the articles on the Blog. Free DAW Music Software downloads, VST and Instrument Packs for FL Studio, Pro Tools, Logic, Ableton, and how to use the most popular free DAW Software, Fruity Loop Plugins, MIDIs and more.

Learn How To Make Music With Loopazon Music Making Tutorial, Beginner Guides, And Sample Beat Step By Step Articles. How To Use FL Studio instruments with Midi controller, VST plugin download tutorials for Ableton, Logic and DAWs.

Top Rated FL Studio Alternatives (Best) Beginner Guide

“FL Studio” aka FruityLoops has long been a go-to platform for many including aspiring music composers and professional artists. The digital audio workstation stands out on many fronts like versatility, customizable interface and more significantly; high efficiency. That said, FL Studio does have some drawbacks including clunky recording, complicated editing process, and more that can dampen productivity especially if your workflow is too demanding. The complex editing process means newbies find it rather hard to master the tricks of the trade. Not to mention, the software warrants a premium price tag that starts from $99 and goes all the way up to a whopping $899. And that’s exactly why some folks would look its alternatives. Well, if you are one of those folks, here are the best FL Studio alternatives in 2020.

15 Best Alternatives To Pro Tools

Pro Tools is a strong and well used DAW (Digital Audio Workbench), but is not the end all #1 music making program. There's many alternatives to Pro Tools, some of which are superior in their own ways. To help you find the perfect match, we've made a list of our favourite alternatives. 1. Soundtrap Provided by Spotify for $14.00 a month, and a free version is available

Top Rated Free Music Production Software

If you're new to the world of music making it can be a difficult and time consuming task to find the software best for you. this is where you can find some of our favourite top rated music making software.   If you are using Apple computers you still have options, but they're much more limited. Many DAW software are compatible soley with P.C. If you're a patron of the Mac operating system, you can choose from GarageBand (Free), Logic Pro ($500) or Fl Studio ($200). GarageBand has an awesome selection of instruments and you can make great music with it. Better yet it comes freewith all Mac computers. Logic Pro is superior, but it is pricey as hell. FL Studio will work for mac but you'll find many of the plugins simply aren't compatible with the Apple operating system. For PC the options are numerous and it can be hard to figure out which one will suit your needs best. In this article we rate our favourites and explain each to help you find the DAW perfect for you.

Best Sampler VST Plugins (FL STUDIO, PRO TOOLS, ETC.)

Sampler plugins can be invaluable additions to your studio arsenal. So here we run down some of the best sampler VST plugins currently available, as well as two classic options that still pack impressive punch despite having been around for a while. 

Best Vocal Remover Programs to Make Karaoke

In today’s world, Karaoke is a booming business – be it as a wildly popular source of entertainment in gathering places such as bars and casinos, or in the home entertainment scene: a casual night with friends and family comes to mind. Of course, more robust gatherings such as weddings have started incorporating karaoke systems in a big way. There is no doubt that the business has a bright future, which means tech savvy folks need to master every aspect of the karaoke system to stay ahead of the curve.

Best Integrated Amplifiers Under $1000

In the modern world, our homes play host to lots of electronic entertainment systems – CD/DVD players, TVs and sound systems. However, the experience that we get from these systems is maximized significantly by great audio output. And this is where integrated amplifiers come in. Integrated amplifiers are devices which have the audio preamplifier( that converts regular sound signals such that they can be amplified ) and a power amplifier ( which boosts the volume and strength of said signal ) within the same casing. Integrated amps also have input ports for multiple products, making them versatile and giving them the edge over traditional amps.

Best Bass Cabinets

If you believe you are ready to take your music to the next level and are already seeing yourself high up on the center stage, there is probably just one thing missing in the scene. A really good bass cabinet to connect your beats to the audience at the right frequency level. If you’re in need of a good quality bass cabinet in 2020 and a comprehensive guide on how to buy one, you’re in the right place. Let’s get started!

How to MIDI Guitar: Full Beginner Tutorial

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) was created in the 80s as a way for musical instruments to connect and talk to each other. The most common use of MIDI is with keyboards and digital pianos. A MIDI keyboard can connect to other devices to access different synths or samples. MIDI uses a 5-pin cable as shown to the right. Newer MIDI devices may use a USB port to connect to other MIDI devices so if a device doesn’t have the 5-pin ports, it may still be MIDI compatible.

Best Midi Keyboard Controller Reviews (Fl Studio - Pro Tools)

The very best MIDI keyboards of 2020 can transform your home studio, or your performances. MIDI keyboards are much more powerful and efficient than they used to be. This means that you can find good options for better value than once before, and with new and exciting features. Finding the right MIDI keyboard can be difficult, though. There are a number of features and designs to consider, and factors such as size and compatibility need to be understood before you go ahead and buy a MIDI keyboard. We’ve got your choices covered with our MIDI keyboard/controller reviews.

Using Computer Keyboard With FL Studio Guide (Beginner Walkthrough, How To)

In the world of modern music production, powerful software programs known as digital audio workstations, or DAWs, have taken the place of expensive hardware setups from earlier generations. The modern DAW has the ability to record, edit, mix and master music from a variety of different genres and styles. Among the collection of professional grade DAWs in use, FL (which stands for Fruity Loops) Studio is widely considered to be one of the industry leaders in electronic music. Using a few simple steps, you can transform your computer keyboard into an FL studio keyboard piano that allows you to control a variety of the instruments and effects found inside this software.